Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 177,117,134 Issue: 320 | 30th day of Storing, Y9
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Cheating Old Snargan!

by edmarblecake

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Beginning of a Legend: Part One
Garin peered around the deck. "The coast is clear," he whispered. They climbed aboard the ship and slipped below deck without a sound...

by medit92


Highrock Pack History Songs: Song for Three Voices - Part Nine
He threw the intruder against the wall and stood between the two and the human. "This human is a tool of my master’s retribution."Do not interfere..."

by shinkoryu14


Masks and Roses: Part Two
It wasn't hard to find her mum. When Kat left home, she'd expected it to take ages. There would be a good amount of research involved, and heavy sleuthing. But in reality...

by chocolateisamust


Thyora's Tribulations
Thyora didn't worry too much about the bickering; it was normal now and she just decided that it was part of life and they'd eventually outgrow it...

by black_skull725

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