White Weewoos don't exist. *shifty eyes* Circulation: 177,117,134 Issue: 320 | 30th day of Storing, Y9
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The Unexpected Guest

by drygani

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Gift Giving Ideas for the Month of Celebrating
10 Ideas for what you can do for gifts during the Month of Celebrating

by shakinheadtotoe


Alton's Potatoes
Our deal is this; I support and advertise his game of potato counting, and at the end of each day he awards me with five potatoes...

by champ100543


Shoyru Adventures
Neopets say the most random things after eating... or drinking...

by lawrence_189


Neopia, Year 200: The Beginning - Part Two
"Right... now where do you really want to go?" she asked, nervously hoping that the Neopets in front of her weren't crazy enough to really want to go to Faerieland...

by klaus239

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