Where there's a Weewoo, there's a way Circulation: 177,117,063 Issue: 323 | 21st day of Celebrating, Y9
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Just Sit

by katopia12

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A Christmas Health and Safety Message
Our job here at the Neopian Bureau of Holiday Health and Safety (NBHHS) is to warn everyone of the true dangers behind these Christmas festivities.

by popolopolis_the_3rd_


Shoyru Adventures Christmas
Remember to go to sleep on time during the holidays!

by lawrence_189


One Bite Won't Hurt
The red Aisha stood out like a sore thumb. She stood alone under a tree at the bottom of the rise, watching the Bruces soaring down the hill and laughing and pitching snow at each other...

Art by nut862

by nut862


10 Must-Have Stocking Stuffers For Under 5000 NP!
Here, you'll find this season's must-have stocking stuffers that will save you from living out of a cardboard box come New Year's Day... and they're guaranteed to satisfy any Neopian's tastebuds...

by evie_firebolt

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