teh 1337est n00zpaper Circulation: 177,117,051 Issue: 324 | 4th day of Sleeping, Y10
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Slightly Ebil

by soaringeagle25

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Gone Batty
"You might wanna leave the bucket ON..."

by dogsndragons


Tales of a Pirate Prince: The First Meeting
Most people would call my father a pirate, and rightly so. But he's really nothing like those filthy mongrels you see attacking Neopets left and right for no decent reason...

by appaloosa500


A Different Gelert: Today's comic is... Codestone!
What did I get myself into?

by uniqqued_


POWR Failure!
POWR prices are going down down down. I should stop buying it but I can't. Here's an explanation and some theories...

by kittykapow925

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