Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 177,074,073 Issue: 327 | 25th day of Sleeping, Y10
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Crazy Berry

by fantasticdora

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Tales of Cadmium, Athena, and Saffron: The Fight - Part Three
"Well, you two have fun. Call me if you need anything, and Brett," she paused to address her pet, "remember, Bob the Meepit is watching..."

by rainpaint


Dueling Quills: Usuki vs. Quiguki
"Usuki are so disgustingly pink and girly! I may be a girl but I can't stand that pinkness! Quiguki are so much better."

Also by nativsis

by yoyote


Customisation Conundrum: To Dung or Not to Dung
One item has caused controversy since the customisation program has been created.

Co-written by petitehirondelline

by mazoku_kuiin


Courage, Hatred, and Swords
He knew Scarblade was often seen on Scurvy Island, though not many people mentioned his name. Why were people so scared of him anyhow?

by medit92

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