For an easier life Circulation: 177,074,008 Issue: 329 | 8th day of Awakening, Y10
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Neopian Anomaly

by lizica166

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Great stories!


The Source of the Mystery
This kind of question called for an adventure and the little Plushie Draik had never turned down anything that called for some excitement!

Also by chivo

by anjie


Eclipse and Dazz Adventures 1: Surprise in a Box!
Don't think I bought these for you!

Idea by rery360

by mystical_fork


That's Random - Ice
How cute? I would run.

by girls232323


Three Wishes: Part Seven
Crack! A form of lightning shot across the clear blue sky before them. The next moment there was something between Ellie's claws, the very pet she had been hoping to strangle...

by rachelindea

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