Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 177,074,008 Issue: 329 | 8th day of Awakening, Y10
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I Gots You a Sandwich!!

by sazpunk

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Valentine: Good or Evil?
"Quick, everyone, run home... the picnic is cancelled. Jhudora is coming!!"

Also written by steps90

by jacqds


5 Reasons Why Not to Do Jhudora's Quest
This article will give you five good reasons to stop yourself from becoming Jhudora's next victim, and to do Illusen's Quest, because we all know that Illusen is much better, right?

by jockylocky


One Fish, Two Fish
Everything's decked out for Valentine's Day!

by fish_puddle


Von Roo Valentine Prank
And so, poor little Judy JubJub learned...

by the_slytherin_seeker

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