Slorgerize Your Way to an Avatar by tyleraapje
GAMES ROOM - Attack of the Slorgs is a relatively new game, but like many other
avatar collectors, I did not waste time in trying my hand at ridding the garden
of those icky, slimy Slorgs. In this game you play the role of a Yurble farmer
that has decided to take matters into his own hands by building a strange contraption
called the Slorgeriser X4, a machine that shoots balls of Slorg-B-Gone, to rid
his garden of those squishy pests. In this guide I will cover some of the basics,
like power-ups that you will come across, and provide tips to help you through
to at least level six of the game and hopefully to a high enough score that will
earn you a snazzy new avatar.
There are several types of Slorg-B-Gone balls, that when used will either work
to your advantage or disadvantage in the game. The special types of balls will
be accompanied by a brief flash of its name right over the Slorgeriser machine.
So be sure to pay attention to what kind of ball is loaded in the Slorgeriser
before shooting it. The following list covers those "power-ups" that I came
across during my game play (up to level 6).
Colored Balls - These are the regular balls of Slorg-B-Gone, of assorted colours,
and basically adds another Slorg to the growing line of Slorgs.
Slowdown - This will cause the line of Slorgs to slow their slimy pace for
time. Very handy if you are *this* close to making a good score and need those
precious few seconds before the line reaches the garden.
Block - This one will cause all Slorgs behind the block to cease moving. Once
a new ball of Slorg-B-Gone is shot into the stopped line, movement resumes.
Multi-Slorg - This will add a number of Slorgs in varying colours to the end
of your line, causing it to grow rapidly.
Super Slorgeriser - This will cause a small number of Slorgs to explode.
Slorg Destructor - This will destroy all Slorgs behind it. Use it at the end
of a lengthy line for best results.
Puddle Water - This handy ball of Slorg-B-Gone will change all Slorgs currently
in line to the same colour.
Revenge of the Slorgs - Basically when this is activated, the controls for
your Slorgeriser gun are reversed, left is right, right is left. Fun, huh?
Laser Failure - On each level you start out with a handy laser, to help guide
you in aiming your balls of Slorg-B-Gone, but after a certain amount of time
it will begin to fail and eventually will go out. So it is important that you
practice on your aiming skills so that you need not rely on it.
Controls and Other Game Features
Left/Right Arrow Keys - Aims your Slorgeriser left or right
Space Bar - Fires a ball of Slorg-B-Gone
Quiggle - This little critter always pops up on the left side of the yard in
the same spot. If you can hit him with a ball of Slorg-B-Gone, you get a nice
point bonus.
Marrow - Typing "marrow" will gain you an extra life. You can only use it once
per game. If you use this in one game, to be able to use it again in your next
game you'll need to close the game window and reload it.
Tips and Strategy
Now that you know some of the "power ups" and other goodies that you will encounter
in the game, you need to work on a strategy. With each level, the number of
Slorgs that you must repel from your garden increases, and the path that they
follow becomes increasingly difficult to manage your shots, etc. It's important
in the early levels to work on getting any bonuses that you can. Aside from
the Quiggle bonus, the best way to stack up points is working to get multi-bonuses.
Essentially, each time that you are able to make a line of three or more Slorgs
of the same colour, they are removed from the line. As they are removed, the
line compresses and if new lines of three or more of matching coloured Slorgs
meet, they too will be removed, like in a chain reaction. Your objective is
to try to set up your Slorgs in a way that will cause more of these chain reactions
to occur, as the more you can make happen, the better your bonus. A good way
to do this is to begin by filling your line with pairs of same coloured Slorgs
Once you get a good amount of them, then start adding the third Slorg to these
pairs and if you are lucky, you can watch them disappear, group after group.
Part of your strategy is knowing which "power ups" to use and when to use them,
and which ones to avoid altogether. In my playing experience, I've found that
the Block and Multi-Slorg balls are undesirable, as they more often than not
hinder you from finishing a level successfully. My advice is to toss them to
the side without using them on the line of Slorgs I do this as well with regular
coloured ones, if I haven't a good place to put them right away. If you have
mostly blue and red Slorgs and a black ball is loaded, best to toss it and hope
you get a colour that you could use to remove more Slorgs from the garden.
One of the most helpful "power ups" is the Puddle Water ball. It doesn't show
up all that frequently, but when it does it could be the deciding factor in
whether or not you finish a tough level and/or get a decent score. Next to that,
the Slorgeriser and Destructor balls are important aids to helping you keep
the Slorg line small and manageable. As for the Quiggle, while the bonus for
hitting is it nice (25pts, I believe), the window of opportunity to hit it is
relatively small, so consider yourself lucky if you manage to get him and his
And finally, don't accept defeat if your first few games are poor, as a lot
of it will come from practice, especially your aiming skills when the laser
has failed. The rest is luck at what kind of "power ups" you get in each level,
so keep at it and eventually you'll be clearing those Slorgs without too much
effort. Once you score 1000 points or more, the avatar is in the bag. Hope you
found this guide helpful and good luck!
Alternative Strategy
This way is a bit different, but may be more suitable to your style of play.
Basically you *want* to use the Slorg Block balls of Slorg-B-Gone. The way it
works best is if you can stop the line without blocking the area that the Quiggle
pops up in, get rid of any moving Slorgs so they don't end up reaching your
garden and ruin your real goal, that being hitting the Quiggle as much as you
can for the bonus points. Since he pops up in the same place, aim isn't too
much of a factor and with the Slorg line frozen, you can wait for him at your
leisure. I got this strategy from a Neofriend of mine and it worked for her,
but I cannot confirm how often the Quiggle pops up for each round, but it certainly
sounds like a promising way to get the points you need without too much hassle.