Reporting live from Neopia Circulation: 177,073,899 Issue: 333 | 7th day of Running, Y10
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by _fontain_faerie_

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Great stories!


How do you solve a problem like Neovia?: Part Four
The factory did not explode. Balthazar delivered in captured Faeries at the start of the night, Herman and his men bottled them, and Balthazar returned to pick them up at dawn...

by herdygerdy


Hidden In the Shadows
It was cruel and unjust, and I hated her for it...

by dragon_child_


Usuki Dolls - Dangerous?

by gymnast515


Neopian Fashion Guide to Backgrounds
You've customized your pet to perfection... but now what? You can't leave that pet floating in a white void!

by soaringeagle25

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