The inside scoop on Jelly W-argh! *choke* Circulation: 176,434,926 Issue: 338 | 11th day of Eating, Y10
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The Class of '08 Part Four

by _dead_meat_x_

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Shoyru Adventures: Kyu Catches Neomonia pt.3
"Use this wisely!"

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I have been living in a perfect dream, and the amazing part is that it's actually reality! My reality. But then sadness tinges my dream. Khelyer's reality. It's my sister who really lives like this, not me...

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A Grey Customization
Spare a thought for Grey Neopets...

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All Hail The Mallow Grundo
We've established that Grundos are the best species and mallow is the best flavor, so what happens when you put the two together? Well only the best pet ever to happen upon Neopia: the Mallow Grundo.

by iceprincess87

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