Sanity is forbidden Circulation: 177,073,878 Issue: 334 | 14th day of Running, Y10
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by mycatdog

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Where's the Teacher?
Boochi just loves making people's lives miserable, doesn't he?

by greater_dane


Illusen's Earthy Glade Guide
Have you ever wondered how people get that fancy little Illusen's Glade Quest trophy for their User Lookup?

by riddler


Food Fight: Food in the Battledome
Some of you may think that throwing a pea or a hunk of asparagus at your opponent is not going to do much harm; well, this is not the case! Some of the strongest battle weapons in the game are some sort of foodstuff.

by dudeperson41


Unadventurous Adventures: Tough to be a Petpet
Dad, where's my walking carpet?

Idea by water_park1993

by christa_iz_cool

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