Where there's a Weewoo, there's a way Circulation: 177,073,878 Issue: 334 | 14th day of Running, Y10
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Happy Illusen Day!

by konayukii

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Garoo Elite Soldiers: Who are they?
Is King Roo somehow involved in this plot? Has Dr. Sloth mutated some Blumaroos with a secret weapon, turning them into evil mirror images of their former selves? Or did they simply choose willingly to work for Dr. Sloth?

by thecyberdeaf


It's Illusen's Day In Every Neohome
Things you can do to kick-start your Illusen’s Day celebrations!

by confutation


Starfire Detection Agencies: Part Two
"If it isn't the little detective clerk," came an amused voice. The dark confinements of the sewer tunnels made it difficult to tell...

by wicked_summer


...Humor Intended
Things aren't always what they seem...

by coffee_rush

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