White Weewoos don't exist. *shifty eyes* Circulation: 176,435,056 Issue: 337 | 4th day of Eating, Y10
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The Lost Desert?

by imneokidd494

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Strange Cases: Behemoth - Part Eight
"Have you ever heard of the term, 'smoking out the prey'?" Steele asked...

by tambourine_chimp


Random Thought o.o!
Where's my Rubber Duckie? :(

by metalbent


Grundos Café: An Eater's Guide on Out of This World Food
As one might have realized by now, Grundos Café doesn't exactly have the type of food you'd find in the Food Shop. In fact, this food is quite literally out of this world...

by xanax_rulz_314


Money: Part Two
I grin wider, feeling better. Khelyer has had nothing at all spent on her breakfast, and mine could buy a house!

by icegirl_sara

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