Neopia's Fill-in-the-blank News Source Circulation: 176,434,926 Issue: 338 | 11th day of Eating, Y10
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All in a Day's Work

by _razcalz_

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Neovian Noise
300 NC down the drain...

by miz__hunter


Learning to Accept
Yes, indeed, Lil and Shirly used to be one of Neopia's wealthy, high up on the society ladder with the avatar collectors, the Battledomers, and the restockers...

by liz4rd


Arx Hallex
Comic relief strikes again.

Co-authored by neesboy

by qazfan


Twilight: A Faerie's Fall
Like her playmates, she was, of course, without an element, and without any magic to command. That was why, in the gentle warmth of the late summer evening, Lumina was being kept safely indoors...

by rainbow_daydreamer

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