A Waffle Paradise Circulation: 164,193,775 Issue: 173 | 14th day of Sleeping, Y7
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by bluecloud300

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Fourteen Days with a Grey Neopet
Not only have I seen a Grey Neopet before, but also for a few weeks, I was able to live with one in my Neohome. The follow report detailed our daily activities, and anything else of interest...

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How to Suppress Unwanted Behavior in Your Neopet
Do you have an unruly Neopet? One who stands out among others as disobedient, rude, spoiled, or bossy?

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Jhudora: A Fake?
I've tried a few of her errands myself, however, and failed a few, and neither I nor my Neopets seem to have suffered any serious consequences...

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Insecure Much??
Even Sloth has his insecurities!

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