Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 176,434,926 Issue: 338 | 11th day of Eating, Y10
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Arx Hallex

by qazfan

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Fine Line: Part Two
The camouflage Kougra took off his royal purple cloak and rolled it up in a ball as he approached Hajiro, the tent city, haven of thieves...

by reggieman721


The Petpet Detectives: Case of the Missing Miamouse - Part Eight
I didn't waste any time bounding to the front door and knocking. "Hi, Rowan," I began, when a faerie Shoyru flung open the door. "I just wanted to know--"

by playmobil_is_my_life


Pirating for dummies?

by oo_l3ubbles_oo


Forever Blue
Everything was blue: the ocean, the sky, some days I even fancied the sun had turned blue. Frowning, I turned my back on my ship...

by concertogreat_8

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