Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 176,434,869 Issue: 339 | 18th day of Eating, Y10
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Fiendly Fyre

by b_katt_500

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How to Create a Keepable Gallery
How to make a gallery you won't sell off or get frustrated with - a gallery that you will keep for a long time.

by shakinheadtotoe


Sloth's Plan
The paper, the wind and the destiny of Neopia.

by ladyxzeus


Backfire!: Part Five
"You know, I may not even need my cunning deceit to take over the world from the shadows," Jhudora mused, stifling laughter. "I'll just unleash you and your siblings upon the unsuspecting world, and that would be that..."

by raizindaroof


The Elements
He didn't know what his destiny was, and he didn't know that destiny wasn't always friendly...

by risen_hope11

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