Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 186,904,163 Issue: 171 | 31st day of Celebrating, Y6
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Ice Caves?!

by ewoks316

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Darkness Binding 3: Part Four
"We are imprisoned in our own lands. A land of wondrous sights and sounds rests just beyond the boundaries of our universe, and we can pass into it..."

by nomad2


Fruity Famille
Just another day... *sigh*

by faeriegurl4lyfe


The Ultimate Tyranu Evavu Strategy
I know, I know. Tyranu Evavu is a luck game. That means there IS no strategy. Right? WRONG! If you want the avatar, love the game, or just want the glorious, glorious NP (or all three), then this guide is for you!

by fire_faerie_872


Rhyming Disease
Tree_Dirt, my Ixi, had been…ill…for quite some time, now. I had tried everything from the Healing Faerie to random potions, but nothing had worked. You see, like I said, Dirt didn't have anything like I had ever seen before...

by tree_rhymer

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