Neopia's Fill-in-the-blank News Source Circulation: 176,283,283 Issue: 344 | 23rd day of Hunting, Y10
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Life According To...

by mandellababe

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Great stories!


The Squeezy Toothbrush
My mother is a very hygienic person, and being the male Shoyru that I am, I do not take part in the thing she calls 'bathing' very often...

by tabbsizzles


The Class of '08 Part Nine
This challenge will be...

by _dead_meat_x_


The Rebel's Heart: Part Two
"Are you done yelling? Perhaps Selena has not told you everything. Or, more likely, you wouldn't listen to everything she had to say..."

by ewagon


Pastry Diet
Why Skeiths make bad bakers...

Also by noob

by scarletspindle

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