Stand behind yer sheriff Circulation: 176,283,251 Issue: 346 | 6th day of Relaxing, Y10
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Camoflauge Evacuation Drill

by pheonix_firewing

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Game Avatars 101
a.k.a. How to show Glubgar / Eliv Thade / TNT (sorry guys) who's boss!

by horripilated


Bumper To Bumper
Darn! We should have turned right at that black-hole...

by books86


Snow Woes
It's only a Keychain...

by harucho


Peophins' Grooming
I'm here to speak about Peophins everywhere. Oh, and here’s Gwana (Nagwana) to help out (giving her opinion of everything under Kreludor is more like it).

by razoonafairy9038

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