teh 1337est n00zpaper Circulation: 176,283,234 Issue: 347 | 13th day of Relaxing, Y10
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Freefalls Into Lunacy

by firefree_animegirl

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Neopian Anomaly
Around Coltzan's Shrine...

by lizica166


Smash: The Way of My Life
Smash was everything a guy wanted to be, for if you were the king of Smash, you were the king of the school...

by rotty_paws


A Tyrannian Misunderstanding

Concept by akari24

by taz_241590


Chronic Neolodgers: The Truth Behind the Addiction
People who suffer from this addiction constantly feel compelled to keep their pets in the Neolodge. Even when they have no plans to go out or leave Neopia for a bit, Chronic Neolodgers always have their pets in the Neolodge.

by 101monica101

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