Neopia's Fill-in-the-blank News Source Circulation: 176,283,216 Issue: 348 | 20th day of Relaxing, Y10
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Whatever Happened to the Lamameeah?

by m3rcuri

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A Tale From Long Ago: Part One
One civilization stands alone in the midst of the chaos, one long forgotten gleam hidden in this dark wasteland...

by sarah24hd


Doodle~Splash! Infested!
Hi there, worm!

by zynbells


The Uncool Life of Akats
Who cares about some silly job? An Orange Kyrii, privileged as he is, shouldn't have to get a job. That's what owners are for...

by champ100543


Multiple Personalities - Ownership of a Mutant Hissi
Split personalities aren't so much the issue as it is that it's two brains in one body.

by brokensilent

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