Stand behind yer sheriff Circulation: 176,283,216 Issue: 348 | 20th day of Relaxing, Y10
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by lachtaube

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Altador Cup Is Arriving!!!! Or Maybe Not!
Where is the Yooyuball?

by sassofrasso


A Tale From Long Ago: Part One
One civilization stands alone in the midst of the chaos, one long forgotten gleam hidden in this dark wasteland...

by sarah24hd


The Adventures of Cleckstarr: Meuka Madness - Part One
Cleckstarr the Brave crept silently through the forest...

by firefox97ink


Dealing with a Rabid Fan
Many Neopets and their owners are considering themselves fans of the Cup, but only a few can say that they are rabid about Yooyuball and the Altador Cup...

by maxxeh_rising

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