Caution: Quills may be sharp Circulation: 175,958,071 Issue: 351 | 18th day of Swimming, Y10
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Oh, Yooyu!

by mandellababe

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A Simple Guide to Surviving the Summer
Take an excursion to Maraqua! This is an underwater paradise where the sun barely gets to you!

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The Hero Society
...In which Blue's inner Superfan is showing.

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Derbi Azar and Yooyuball Referee: No Relation
"I realize the resemblance is uncanny," Azar said, in a written response issued through a representative. "However, we are not related..."

by dirtyredemption


Vinsetta: Part Five
The flower itself stood as tall as Viena, and the two Neopets stared at it in awe...

by reggieman721

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