The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 175,957,853 Issue: 354 | 8th day of Hiding, Y10
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The Money Tree

by untitled_note

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Personality on the Neoboards
Do you feel like you just can't find that certain avatar that suits you?

by sw33t_simplicity


Tegema's Quest
Hastily shoving the stopwatch back into her bag, she looked back up as the shopkeeper dragged the Spicy Geraptiku Tea into her view.

by dragonburst


Peanutbutterjelly- Beyond Evil
Actually, there's not much to do with peanut butter here. =/

by samsterb


Avatar Collecting Made Easy
This is the guide that will prove that avatar collecting is not only fun, but it is very, very easy too.

by crssnedegar

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