Up-to-date coverage on faerie wars Circulation: 175,957,813 Issue: 355 | 15th day of Hiding, Y10
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by cardinalmoon

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Unis: More Than Just A Pretty Face
I have decided to answer some common Uni myths and misconceptions to help shed some light (and truth) on the falsehoods that people judge me by.

by toastlike


What Kind Of Darigan Are You?
There have been many different periods in Darigan culture, and various different perceivable attitudes within these periods.

by sweettartlucy


Guide to Medieval Foods: Version-Cheese
For each food item, I will announce its name, describe its appearance, and provide some tidbit of useless information. Next, Icy will eat the food and tell us exactly what it tastes like...

by featherwingedangel


Neomoments: Team Loyalty
Go Darigan!

by kochao21

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