Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 175,667,400 Issue: 357 | 29th day of Hiding, Y10
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Rock Jelly etc. - But What About the Ice Cream?

by akatonbo

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The Top Five Reasons To Be Mutant
Look everyone straight in the eye (if they're frozen in fear long enough) and say, "I'm PROUD to be a Mutant!"

by ummkalima


Drama Queens
*sigh* So ungrateful...

by noobspeak


The Fate of the Lost City of Geraptiku: Part One
Quiet hissing could be heard in the corridor to his right, and a red glow emanated from the darkness.

by rest_in_boredom


Kajillion: Voidberry
Cuddlepuff0 sticks his hand in the void. It comes out in Meridell.

by bettyming

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