Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 175,667,379 Issue: 358 | 5th day of Gathering, Y10
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Just Crazy

by empoleon07

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How the Meerca Lost His Fish Negg
The wind rapped on the window. "Let me in. I want to come in. Please, please let me in," the wind said.

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A Prickly Potion Explanation (Finally!)
As far as Battledome weapons go, there are no weapons that can do what the Prickly Potion does in its price range.

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Captain Kacheek and the Great Storm
I would love to be a sailor, she thought. Always finding new places. At least I've already taken the courses in Neopia School of Learning...

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Rounder of Revels
We're all loyal until we get to the Altador Cup...

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