teh 1337est n00zpaper Circulation: 175,667,356 Issue: 359 | 12th day of Gathering, Y10
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The Shadow
Destruction was her middle name, and due to the fact nobody knew her first name anymore... destruction was all she had.

by yellowsugardog


The Peophin Adventures - Something Has Happened! ep2
Thankfully he misses!

by picha_girl


The Draikess and The Red Coat
A smirk rested on her lips, and her right hand cradled a scimitar. "Do you suppose it is magic enough to save you from the bounty on your head?"

by tashni


A Closer Look at the Kadoatery
They don't have to wail so loudly, really. It's not as if they're not taken good care of.

by yoyote

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