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Are You A Neopets Risk Taker?

by mrs_hartdegen


Neopets houses many different types of players. Each player has their own style and idea of how to handle their account. Do you tiptoe around Neopets, scared of the Pant Devil, or are you one of the first people to sign up to fight the evil Meepits? Go on and take this quiz to find out whether or not you are a Neopets risk taker! Just answer the questions as best as you can, keeping track of your points. After you've finished the last question, add up your points and see where you stand.

1. You're playing a quick game of Dice-a-Roo; do you...

a. Stop playing and collect 10 NP. That's profit. (+2 points)

b. Roll again, baby! Silver dice, here I come! (+3 points)

c. Dice-a-Roo? Is that a new species? (+1 point)

2. Let's talk about scratchcards...

a. I count down the minutes until I can buy a new one! (+3 points)

b. I've never even bought one... ever! (+1 point)

c. I might scratch one when I first log onto Neopets, but that's about it. (+2 points)

3. It's time to play Tyranu-Evavu. You get a 9 of diamonds...

a. I played this game once... I think that it is rigged. Never going there again. (+1 point)

b. Tyranu! You have to take a chance to beat this game. (+3 points)

c. Evavu... there are only 5 cards higher than 9. (+2 points)

4. Do you play any of the carnival games in the Haunted Woods?

a. If I have a surplus of neopoints for the week, I'll give one or two a try. (+2 points)

b. It's 100% obvious those games are rigged. Why would ANYONE play them? (+1 point)

c. Of course! Right now, the jackpot for Bagatelle is almost 2,000,000 neopoints! Someone's gotta win it! (+3 points)

5. Do you spin any wheels around Neopia?

a. Wheel of Monotony, Wheel of Mediocrity, Wheel of Excitement... Sorry, I was just reading my favorite games list. (+3 points)

b. I spin the wheels that don't cost any (or very little) neopoints. (+2 points)

c. Wow, you're making me realise that Neopets has so many rigged games. No, I don't spin wheels. (+1 point)

6. More specifically, do you spin the Wheel of Misfortune?

a. Once in a while, how many Headless Von Roo Plushies does one person need? (+2 points)

b. Yes; it almost brings me to tears knowing I can do it only every two hours. (+3 points)

c. There's a sticky tar pit! I could lose items! (+1 point)

7. Double or nothing?

a. DOUBLE! DOUBLE! GO GO GO! (+3 points)

b. I'm sorry, I don't understand the question... (+1 point)

c. I'll take my winnings and be on my way, thank you very much. (+2 points)

8. Jhudora asks you for an item that costs just about the same as the number of Neopoints in your bank account; are you going to do it?

a. I wouldn't have even talked to Jhudora in the first place. (+1 point)

b. What level quest are we talking about here? (+2 points)

c. Yes. I heard from my brother's neighbor's best friend's cousin that there's a chance she'll give you an item worth over 30 million neopoints on the first quest!! (+3 points)

9. Let's play a game of Gormball; how long are you going to hold on to the ball?

a. 5 seconds, 5 seconds, 5 seconds... oh yeah! (+3 points)

b. I'm feeling lucky, let's hold on for 4 whole seconds! (+2 points)

c. 2 seconds, EVERY time. (+1 point)

10. Do you restock?

a. Every day, I'm the first in line at the Plushie Shop, the Petpet Shop, the Book Shop. Gotta find that mythical 20 million restock! (+3 points)

b. I can't handle the pressure. (+1 point)

c. I do it on half-off day and when I've got nothing else to do. (+2 points)


10-16 points: Cautious Kadoatie

Let me guess, you didn't participate in Daily Dare 2008 because Abigail and AA looked too intimidating? It's time to loosen up a little bit! Neopets can be so much more fun if you just go crazy every once in a while. Go ahead and spin The Wheel of Misfortune... play a game of Bagatelle... buy something too expensive! I'm not saying you have waste all of your precious Neopets time playing Dice-a-Roo and taunting the Pant Devil, I'm only suggesting you have a little fun trying your luck. After all, just ask yourself, what's the worst that could happen?

17-23 points: Mediocre Meowclops

Congratulations, you've struck a nice balance between going crazy with your Neopoints and being too careful with them. You know that scratching a Race to Riches Scratchcard can be fun, but you sure aren't going to empty your bank account buying them. You are well aware that Neopia is a place to have innocent fun but that you aren't going to get ahead of the game without taking a few risks. Keep doing what you're doing and don't let a little excitement (or luck) slip you into the next category.

24-30 points: Daring Duocorn

Whoa! Slow down there! You make Dr. Sloth look like a playful kitten! You'd probably steal treasure from the Snowager while he's awake if TNT allowed it. I'm sure that you've said a million times in your head "they're only Neopoints," but take it easy. Half the fun of Neopets is setting goals for yourself and then accomplishing them. If you go around spending all your hard earned points on scratchcards and Buried Treasure, you won't have any left to experience the real joy that makes Neopets a great community to be a part of. Try setting a few limits for yourself: only play each chance game once and avoid buying extra scratchcards, or whatever works for you. After a while, you'll be amazed at the Neopoints accumulating in your bank account and you'll be on your way to accomplishing anything you want on Neopets.

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