Neopia's Fill-in-the-blank News Source Circulation: 175,667,356 Issue: 359 | 12th day of Gathering, Y10
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Who Said I Was Sweet?

by icesmith

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Jack and the Seven Curses of Renee: Part Seven
"You're both insane," I stated in a matter-of-fact way that I had thought would end the conversation.

by featherwingedangel


Super Attack Pineapple
Fruit kebab!

Idea by earls

by moomy_x


Is it a Coincidence?
Why the Down for Maintenance Pteri is undefeatable!! :o

by evaniab


Neopian Quiz
Here's how the quiz works... You have a number and then some initials for letters to make up a phrase.

by daughters_ofthe_moon

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