The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 175,300,980 Issue: 362 | 3rd day of Collecting, Y10
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Avatar Obsessed Usul #2

by nickahwhatt

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Adopt-A-Newbie 1

by kmj218


Kacheeks Can Play Trumpet?
"You know, the concert's next week and I have a dozen tests. I'm going to have to make band period a study hall and practice at home."

by laurapet131


The Book: Part Four
Mystery Island had never seen so many witches at once. The sight of the group, clad in their full robes in the tropical heat, was causing quite a commotion.

by herdygerdy


Seashells: Part Six
And yet, despite this awful fate, the neopet quietly sang to herself as she worked, as she always did; the five adventurers did not know it, but that neopet was Samara's mother.

by iamcanadian1428

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