Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 175,202,370 Issue: 369 | 21st day of Storing, Y10
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Eata loafa what?!

by gaby_marques

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Key Quest: A Lesson in Good Sportsmanship
Sometimes, in the midst of playing more than 10 games a day, trouncing opponent after opponent, we may forget that our opponents are people, not machines. So what exactly does that change?

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I'm Faith the blue Uni and I live in Meridell. I go all over Neopia, though.

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"How do they expect me to rule a country and clean the castle at the same time?" lamented Fyora.

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Telzleh's Quest: Part Five
"My dear, don't you remember how you managed to get all the way up here to Shenkuu? I sincerely hope you don't suffer from amnesia..."

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