Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 175,178,655 Issue: 371 | 12th day of Celebrating, Y10
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Surviving Neopets and Other Extreme Activities

by _tweek

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The Consequences of Morphing!

by hyuga_naomi


My Name is Lekida
But then Mrs Harvey came up to me and asked why I wasn't writing anything, and I said I didn't have an owner to write to. And she said I must have an owner...

by paperhippo


Xavier's Quest: Part Two
Xavier started to panic. He spun around in circles, looking for anything that wasn't white or fluffy, but there was only snow.

by phadalusfish


Crumbeard Christmas Special: Part 2
The adventures of a Yurble who is biscuit by color, pirate by profession.

by rarehunter41

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