Sanity is forbidden Circulation: 175,178,569 Issue: 372 | 19th day of Celebrating, Y10
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NeoQuest II: XMAS special

by dyd_666_81

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Great stories!


Christmans Shenanigans

Also by fortytwo200

by achdut


Santa's Mixup
Oh cool!

Also by dutchese159

by suzerz


The Author's Gift
"Aww. The poor old man." Trey's mom frowned, spooning out clumps of dough onto a baking sheet. "All alone on the Day of Giving? That just isn't right."

by vanessa1357924680


The Werelupe Hunter: Part Two
"Like I said, we don't answer to Werelupe scum," he snapped.

by rachelindea

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