Reporting live from Neopia Circulation: 175,178,569 Issue: 372 | 19th day of Celebrating, Y10
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Silly Old Birds Christmas Special

by jadentearz

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I Like Usuls 8
Be more specific when you ask for presents, kids!

by janebellefontaine


The Author's Gift
"Aww. The poor old man." Trey's mom frowned, spooning out clumps of dough onto a baking sheet. "All alone on the Day of Giving? That just isn't right."

by vanessa1357924680


Christmas Countdown: 25 Memorable Moments from Y10
Join me for 25 — one for each day until Christmas — memorable moments, both major and minor, from Y10. How many do you remember?

by imsleepingbeauty


An Abominable Snowball
A short story about an Abominable Snowball and a Gelert.

by icesneasel

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