For an easier life Circulation: 175,011,522 Issue: 375 | 16th day of Sleeping, Y11
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Shoyru Recipes

by jalele

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Another Hero's Journey: Decisions - Part Eight
"Nobody told us that the ancient pharaoh Anubits himself was guarding the Altar of Destiny," she whispered gravely. "We had no choice but to fight him..."

by precious_katuch14


Kiko Lake - The Other Forgotten Holiday Destination
Why not try Kiko Lake? It is just as secluded and as interesting as Roo Island...

by umbreae


Put the Pieces Together
Think of it like a mosaic. Each piece has a different place where it goes, and it is up to you to find out how to put them together.

by iloenchen


Tips & Tricks For Naming Your Pets
Finding that special name for your new Neopian addition can be a daunting task.

by kallaco

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