Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 175,178,569 Issue: 372 | 19th day of Celebrating, Y10
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Happy Christmas!

by antoinettexblue

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Merry Christmas from the Land of Pacman!
0_o Pass another bonbon, please...

by pacmanite


Gift of Sharing
The only thing that these rowdy Lupes shared in common was their apparent taste in toys and gifts, which they could never agree on sharing...

by yippo_yippee


Plushie Island: Part Three
"Look!" several plushies shrieked, pointing and causing the makeshift boat to tilt back and forth to the sides. "There's the island!"

by majikel


Messenger: The Journey North - Part Three
"Sorry, folks!" said our Eyrie shrilly, swerving to the right and nearly dumping us upside-down. "This is my first ride!"

by hedgehog_queen

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