Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 185,672,359 Issue: 380 | 20th day of Awakening, Y11
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The Secret Lives of Petpets

by randomsilliness

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Too Little For a Revenge?
Ha ha ha!

Art by gaby_marques

by mionedarkholme


Fooling Myself
There was something about fleafs, though... maybe because they were so miniscule, maybe because as soon as you saw one it jumped – vanished – and then you had no idea where it was.

by weaponstar


A Salute to the Lenny Conundrum
In honor of this puzzling pastime's upcoming 300th problem, here are 15 things you may not know.

by lkozma


A Day in The Life of a Normal Bori
The Bori was tagging along, trying to help. He had been doing a decent job, too, until they reached the Haunted Woods.

by softlyfallingrain

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