Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 174,678,884 Issue: 382 | 6th day of Running, Y11
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Little Friends

by verob

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Great stories!


Her Majesty's Champions: Part Five
The six Champions dismounted outside the Faerie Palace and bid their mounts goodbye. Sartos muttered, "Here goes nothing."

by saphira_27


Customization Puzzles: Set Two
Your goal is to try and guess the color and what wearable items it takes to complete it.

Also by sarah12__ss

by ellieq38


NTY - A Story of an Unwanted Lupe
I didn't think I was that bad of a pet, that my own master wouldn't even want me... I guess I must have been.

by _tweek


Cycle of the Moon: Part Seven
As Ganduo walked, he was aware that there was little need to worry. No Neopets were foolish enough to be caught outside in the middle of the Lunar Festival.

by reggieman721

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