Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 174,678,884 Issue: 382 | 6th day of Running, Y11
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Nothing Has Happened

by ker_berethrou

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The Truth of Snowballs - Where Do They Come From?
You are stuck talking to the Shoyru running the Ice Crystal Shop, trying to find out how his never-ending supply is made.

by nucnad_eloop


A Mysterious Heir: Part Six
Syri closed her eyes and waited to be thrown in a cell for the second time today.

by dancer_sakura


Drawing a Comic
Not a good idea, Sakura...

by tiquandowitch


The Downside Of Zapping
I know what you're thinking; you can't wait to get in there and start zapping your pet and finding out all the amazing things you can get.

by kelexyn

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