Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 174,678,845 Issue: 383 | 13th day of Running, Y11
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Insanity to the Fullest

by weezncat

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Juniper Sage #1
Researching some of Neopia's most fatal diseases.

by crabcake123


Fang Fishing
Five glasses clinked simultaneously, although it would take Cybunny ears to hear them distinctly among the chatter and music in the restaurant.

by soundboard


Maybe It's Fate!
"I know word of my great fame and brilliance has already spread through the world, but in case you are ignorant, I shall introduce myself."

Also by chirigami

by grapesourhorse


Outsider Within: Face of Evil - Part Five
As the sun dipped below the Citadel into the hills of Meridell, Citadel guards finished their last shift of the day and dispersed from the barracks for their favored nighttime haunts.

by tashni

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