Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 190,984,555 Issue: 384 | 20th day of Running, Y11
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Hey Illusen!

by sakananao

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How to Celebrate an Unforgettable Illusen Day
She is an Earth Faerie, to be exact, and loves plants, nature, and helping Neopians.

by likeshshnia


Slightly Meltish: Not just an avatar item
He has feelings too...

by sloshypond


Five Ways to Prank your Guildmates
Put on your prankster hat and get to work!

by tentilio


Farside Base: Part Seven
Sloth wasn't expecting us, that much was clear. It was very slightly amusing to see the huge ship slowly turn in answer to our cannon fire...

by freefalldreams

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