Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 190,984,555 Issue: 384 | 20th day of Running, Y11
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Fail Pant Devil

by trikum

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Great stories!


Illusen's Quest: Never!
''How dare you!''

by happymoon109


CayCaed! #3
In which Caedir and Caylir find that some faeries are just insane and can't be trusted with that sort of power.

by kattrish


Starry Stuff Illusen Special
Silly avatar!!

by marilltachiquin


Honour Illusen and Repel Jhudora (If You Can!)
"She's exiled from Faerieland, but we don't know what for, and she collects things for a secret purpose..."

Also by yoyote

by earthlingdreamz

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