Meow Circulation: 180,846,367 Issue: 386 | 3rd day of Eating, Y11
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Make You Fool Dr. Sloth

by chak_chak

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A Barf Boat Guide: Doesn't It Sound Appetizingly Fun?
You play Captain Arf, a Pirate Warf, who is desperate to keep his boat afloat!

by facetiousmind


Commander Valka's Grand Mission
The biggest crisis Valka had dealt with in months involved what toppings to order on a pizza. (After much debate, the noble Resistance settled on pepperoni and mushrooms. Gorix sulked for weeks.)

by rosabellk


Kadventures - Let's Pretend
Eat healthy but imagine unhealthy!?

Also by patjade

by blaumann


What ever happened to that guy?...

by lachtaube

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