teh 1337est n00zpaper Circulation: 174,290,039 Issue: 389 | 24th day of Eating, Y11
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by stargirl5357

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Great stories!


Ember: Part Two
Her morning lessons went well, but she was impatient, wanting to get to break. Finally, after what seemed like forever and a half, the bell went, and Ember rushed to gormball.

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Shad and Saura: Black Fire - Part Six
"Let's hope they won't tear each other apart before I get there..." he groaned to himself, struggling on.

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by ssjelitegirl


So Not Fair!: Part Two
Before Ami could say a word, Minty jumped right in. "Of course we can! We can train him to sit in only one hour, can't we, Ami?"

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Electric Shock

by princess_zelda_11

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