Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 174,290,039 Issue: 389 | 24th day of Eating, Y11
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by kougra_adoptables

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Great stories!


So Not Fair!: Part Two
Before Ami could say a word, Minty jumped right in. "Of course we can! We can train him to sit in only one hour, can't we, Ami?"

by majikel


The Water Faerie Necklace: Part One
One particular day, she was rummaging through the store instead of going to school. It was a Wednesday.

by jbergz8495


Can Chias See?
I wrote my story in hopes of helping other Neopets to come to terms if they too find themselves as a new species, as well as putting those rumours that Chias can't see to rest!

by amitybelle


Grumpy Old Techo
Extremely grumpy.

by pdonkeh

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