For an easier life Circulation: 174,290,659 Issue: 388 | 17th day of Eating, Y11
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Grey Days

by suparainbow13

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Advanced Key Questing: Miscellaneous Strategies
Dealing with opponents' powerups, dealing with random events, and general game strategies.

by musicoftheflute


Random Events in Neopia 5
Yay for fluffyness!

by spirited_dolphin


Of Mutants and Meepits: Part One
'If she is there, we will find her,' he said, finally answering Quentin's question. 'Let's go ask around.'

by d_morton


Secrets in Shenkuu: Part Three
"Princess Lunara, what are you doing in the kitchen?" he inquired. "This is a place for servants and chefs, not princesses."

by a_greenparrot

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