Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 170,229,176 Issue: 391 | 8th day of Hunting, Y11
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Changing Times

by rejenerated

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Messenger: Just Another Pirate Tale - Part Five
Suddenly my line of vision was blocked. I craned my neck, tilting my head upward. A pirate was looking down at me...

by hedgehog_queen


The Cap'n and His Dubloons
I mean, he MUST have a LOT of dubloons...

by amelia_124


Competing With Edna
So, you want to be a witch, eh? You wouldn't mind donning that pointy hat and tossing around a few magical words to turn Neopians into Mortogs?

by giggilogalmewmew


"Heh, kids," he said, and I turned around. "Cute. Hand over your money."

by punctuation_ninja

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