The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 170,229,176 Issue: 391 | 8th day of Hunting, Y11
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by loroserrano

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Great stories!


The One about Lightmites: Part Two
The servants could not be more inviting or benevolent in their acceptance of me. They speak not of my grandfather, 'tis true, but that is most understandable...

by jack_skelling10


Oh no you didn't!!!
I don't stop having bad luck!

by bi32758


The Treasure
I have found a dubloon!

Idea by leosponge

by marivitri


Another Story: Part Three
"It must be 'Show the World the Secret Resistance Headquarters' Day!" he shouted back in an amused tone, still facing his screen.

by limegreenelephant

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